
Cut sugar while still living your life

Jan 26, 2023 | 3 min

For most Americans, reducing sugar consumption is a good option for a new year’s resolution. On average, we consume three times more sugar per day than is recommended.

Added sugar comes in the form of sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, and a dozen more names. It can lower energy and immune system effectiveness. It also leads to weight gain, acne, skin conditions, depression, and tooth decay. Excessive sugar can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Preventive care visits every year can help monitor your health and catch potential health issues when they’re easier to treat. If you don’t have a doctor, you can search the Find a Doctor tool to find the one that’s right for you.

Natural sugars found in whole fruit and dairy don’t count—but watch out for canned fruit packed with sugar and flavored milk that sneak added sugars in. The World Health Organization advises consuming no more than 10 percent of daily calories from added sugar. For someone on a 2,000-calorie diet, that’s 25 grams of sugar, or about the amount in a 2-inch-by-3-inch serving of sheet cake with frosting flowers on top.

In the United States, sugar consumption comes from:

  • 47% sugar-sweetened beverages
  • 31% snacks and sweets
  • 8% grains like cereal and granola bars
  • 6% mixed dishes with dressings and sauces
  • 4% from dairy, like ice cream, flavored milk and yogurt

Tips for cutting sugar

Cutting down on sugar doesn’t have to turn your life upside-down—even though we live in a culture where consuming processed foods is easier than consuming whole foods.

You don’t have to give up your favorite indulgences either. Go ahead and have a cocktail or dessert every once in a while, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Aim for no added sugar the rest of the day and reduce the day before and after.

Making a few sugar-reduction strategies habit should have you consuming less without feeling denied.

  1. Use a food tracking app to confirm how much sugar you consume in a day. The next day, try to have a little less.
  2. Reduce intake of sugar-packed desserts, pastries, soft drinks, sports drinks, and fruit juice by having one less per day or cutting down the portion size.
  3. Assemble foods at home. Buy plain corn flakes, oats, or yogurt and add fruit yourself.
  4. Watch serving sizes. You’ll easily consume more than the label indicates if you have a generous portion.
  5. Prioritize having five servings of fruits or vegetables per day and you’ll have less room for sweets.
  6. Make some swaps. Consider taking your coffee with milk instead of sugar. Drink water with fruit instead of soda. Look for low-sugar varieties of prepared foods, like pasta sauce and salad dressing.
  7. Break the habit. If you have a cookie Tuesday afternoon, try not to give into a Wednesday afternoon craving. Tell yourself you can have the cookie the following day, if you still want it.
  8. Find a healthier substitute such as strawberries instead of strawberry shortcake.
  9. Have a proper meal instead of snacking.
  10. Occupy your mouth and distract your brain by sucking on hard candy or chewing gum.
  11. Tell your loved ones that you won’t be having dessert or a drink at dinner, so they can hold you accountable and avoid pressuring you. Your good habits might even rub off on them!

One last thing

Be careful not to replace sugar with foods high in saturated fats, like meat, cheese, cream, and butter that cause other health problems. Instead look for whole grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruit for a healthy new year.

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